In the face of unprecedented attacks on reproductive justice and abortion access, ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE is not backing down. ACCESS RJ has launched the #FundAbortionLA campaign to encourage Los Angeles County to directly fund abortion care and logistical support needs for anyone seeking help in the county.
The #FundAbortionLA campaign is asking the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to support access to Reproductive and Sexual Health Services for our community by allocating $200,000 in funding to ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE for abortion care and practical support.

Why #FundAbortionLA
In California, we are fortunate that most private insurance plans, as well as Medi-Cal, cover abortions for those seeking care. Still, some people fall through the cracks of coverage, and some seeking care in our state can’t get the services they need and can’t afford the cost of additional expenses that comes with getting an abortion, such as lodging, childcare, transportation, food, and much more. Los Angeles County has the largest population in California, which means much of the need for abortion funding is in our own Los Angeles community.
We need our Board of Supervisors to support our community.
With the unfortunate enactment of Senate Bill 8 in Texas this September, we have seen just how easy it has become for states to limit the autonomy of anyone with the ability to give birth. Across California, including in Los Angeles County, we are seeing an increased need for abortion care both from local community members, as well as folks traveling from states like Texas. We only expect those numbers to spike as we continue this battle for reproductive justice.
For low-income people trying to access an abortion – who are disproportionately Black, Latinx, immigrant, or refugees – additional expenses such as travel, unpaid time off of work, and child care can push abortion care entirely out of reach, or force them to choose between basic necessities, like rent and food, and paying for an abortion.
The legal right to an abortion is meaningless if it is not accessible.
By dedicating funding to ACCESS REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE, the only state-wide abortion fund operating outside of clinics in California, we can help hundreds of people who face these economic and logistical barriers access the abortion care they need and deserve in Los Angeles County. As other states continue to pass laws that restrict abortion access and the right to abortion comes under unprecedented attack nationwide, Los Angeles County should set the standard as a place where abortion is truly accessible for all.